"North Caucasian institute of water management and land reclamation construction"

Nosov Konstantin Nikolaevich

22.06.1948 - 28.12.2020

From the first years of his career, Konstantin Nikolaevich confidently took a worthy place in the large team designers of water management and reclamation facilities. He was one of the most active participants of socio-economic transformations on the vast territories of the North Caucasus. His activities, dedication and attention to his favorite work will not go unnoticed and will not be forgotten. He was one of the first to be awarded the medal "For Services to the Stavropol Territory".

Konstantin Nikolaevich, an authoritative and respected supervisor, a kind, sincere, bright person, a wonderful mentor, who has brought up many experts, thanks to whom the work of the ameliorators continues. A huge and irreparable loss not only for the institute, but also for the engineering design of the entire country.

An irretrievable loss for loved ones and colleagues, as well as for all those who knew Konstantin Nikolaevich Nosov.

A.A. Kondratenko
Meet Konstantin Nosov!

Знакомьтесь, Константин Носов.pdf

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